2024 | Trevor Foote | Professor Nikole Lewis "Optimizing Techniques to Enhance the Scientific Yield of Exoplanet Observations: from Mission Planning to Atmospheric Characterization" | TBD | ||||||||||
2024 | Namitha Suresh | Professor David Chernoff Gravitational Wave Emission from Cosmic String Loops | Germany | ||||||||||
2024 | Christopher Wilson | Profesor Rachel Bean Fisher's Mirage: Noise Tightening of Cosmological Constraints in Simulation-Based Inference | Industry. | ||||||||||
2024 | Christopher O'Connor | Professor Dong Lai “Physical and Dynamical Processes in
| Northwestern for a CIERA post doc fellow | ||||||||||
2024 | Lukas Wenzl | Professor Rachel Bean “Testing Gravity with Cosmology: Unlocking | Industry job in Paris, France | ||||||||||
2024 | Christopher Rooney | Professor Gordon Stacey OBSERVATIONS OF COSMIC BRUNCH: Pancake-Shaped Disk Galaxies and Food for Star Formation Around Cosmic Noon | Fellowship at NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) | ||||||||||
2023 | Christian Tate | Professor Alex Hayes “Terrain reconstruction and interpretation in Jezer Crater, Mars -- The changing behavior of Io's largest volcanos” | Cornell University | ||||||||||
2023 | Abhinav Jindal | Professor Alex Hayes "Shining a Light on Cometary Surface Evolution" | Postoctoral position at Brown University | ||||||||||
2023 | Bo Peng | Professor Gordon Stacey “Comprehensive View of Far-infrared Fine Structure Lines: New Answers & New Questions” | Postdoctoral position, Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics in Garching, Germany | ||||||||||
2023 | Emily Moser | Professor Nick Battaglia "Studying the Circumgalactic Medium with the Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect" | Industry - starting a developer (programming) position. | ||||||||||
2023 | Yitian Chen | Professor Saul Teukolsky “Advances in Simulating | |||||||||||
2023 | Cristóbal Armaza | Professor Saul Teukolsky “Relativistic Force-free Electrodynamics | |||||||||||
2023 | Akshay Suresh | Professor Jim Cordes “Radio Transient Searches from Millisecond to Hour-long Time Scales” | |||||||||||
2023 | Stella Koch Ocker | Professor Jim Cordes “Characterizing Cosmic Plasmas | Brinson Prize Postdoctoral Fellow at Carnegie Observatories and Caltech | ||||||||||
2023 | Jiaru Li | Professor Dong Lai “Dynamical Evolution of Multi-orbiter Systems: Applications to Planets, Protoplanetary Disks, and Black Holes” | Northwestern University as a CIERA Postdoctoral Fellow | ||||||||||
2023 | Youry Aglyamov | Professor Jonathan Lunine "Modeling Lightning in Giant Planetary Atmospheres" | Post Doctoral Position, Ann Arbor, Michigan | ||||||||||
2022 | Ngoc Truong | Professor Jonathan Lunine "Chemical Investigations of Habitability in the Solar System" | Postdoctoral researcher at Southwest Research Institute (Space Sciences Division | ||||||||||
2022 | Nicholas Kutsop | Professor Alex Hayes "The Spectrophotometric Properties of Icy Worlds"
| |||||||||||
2022 | Ishan Mishra | Professor Nikole Lewis "Providing New Constraints on Europa's Surface Composition" | Postdoctoral Fellow at JPL | ||||||||||
2022 | Yubo Su | Professor Dong Lai “Dynamics of Planets, Stars, and Black Hole Binaries: Tides, Spin Resonances, and Gravitational Waves” | Lyman Spitzer Jr. Postdoctoral Fellow at Princeton University | ||||||||||
2021 | Gabriel Bonilla | Professor Saul Teukolsky "Beyond-GR Waveform Models and Numerical Relativity" | University of California, Davis | ||||||||||
2021 | Eamonn O'Shea | Professor Saul Teukolsky "Gravitational Waveform Modelling with Machine Learning and for Eccentric Binary Systems" | |||||||||||
2021 | Peter Rau | Professor Ira Wasserman "Neutron Star Hydrodynamics: Multiple (Super)fluids and Quantizing Magnetic Fields" | |||||||||||
2021 | Dante Iozzo | Professor Saul Teukolsky "Improving the Determination of Asymptotic Quantities in Numerical Spacetimes, with Application to Gravitational Waves"
| |||||||||||
2020 | Victoria Calafut | Professor Rachel Bean “Leveraging Cross-Correlations: Cosmology with the Kinematic Sunyaev Zel'dovich Effect” | Postdoctoral Fellow, CITA Toronto | ||||||||||
2020 | Bonan Pu | Professor Dong Lai “On the Dynamical Evolution of Multi-Planet Systems" | Quantitative Analyst, The D. E. Shaw Group | ||||||||||
2020 | Michelle Vick | Professor Dong Lai “Going with the Flow: Tidal Evolution in Eccentric Systems” | Lindheimer Postdoctoral Fellow at CIERA | ||||||||||
2020 | Jack Madden | Professor Lisa Kaltenegger “The Color of Habitability” | Astrophysicist and artist working toward humanizing our understanding of the universe through research-based art.
| ||||||||||
2020 | Thea Kozakis | Professor Lisa Kaltenegger “Last Call for Life: Habitability of Terrestrial Planets Orbiting Red Giants and White Dwarfs” | Post doc at the National Space Institute at the Technical University of Denmark | ||||||||||
2020 | Georgios Valogiannis | Professor Rachel Bean “Testing Gravity with Cosmology: Efficient Simulations, Novel Statistics and Analytical Approaches”
| Postdoctoral research fellow, Harvard University | ||||||||||
2020 | T.K. Daisy Leung | Professor Jim Cordes “The Interstellar Medium Properties of High Redshift Galaxies”
| Data Scientist Research Analyst, CCA (2019-2020), Flatiron Institute | ||||||||||
2019 | Paul Corlies | Professor Alexander Hayes “Emerging from the Dark Ages: An Analysis of Clouds on Titan” | Research Assoicate at Cornell University | ||||||||||
2019 | Cody Lamarche | Professor Gordon Stacey “A Detailed Study Of Star Formation At Its Cosmic Peak” | Taking a postdoctoral position at the University of Toledo, working with JD Smith | ||||||||||
2019 | Kassandra Anderson | Professor Dong Lai “Teetering Stars and Tumultuous Orbits: Spin and Orbital Dynamics in Hot and Warm Jupiter Systems with Companions” | Spitzer fellow at Princeton | ||||||||||
2019 | Yu-Cian Hong | Professor Jonathan Lunine "Orbital Dynamics of Pets of Extrasolar Giant Planets" | Data Scientist, CITI , NYC | ||||||||||
2019 | Riccardo Pavesi | Professor Dominik Reichers "An Exploration of Inter-stellar Gas and its Role in Galaxy Assembly over Cosmic Time" | Data scientist at Cruise, working on driverless cars in San Francisco. | ||||||||||
2019 | Will Throwe | Professor Saul Teukolsky "Numerical Methods for Exascale Magnetohydrodynamics Simulations in General Relativity" | Cornell Post Doc in Physics | ||||||||||
2019 | Avani Gowardhan | Professor Gordon Stacey “Star-formation Across Cosmic Time: Insight from Multi-Faceted Molecular Gas Observations” | Insight data science fellowship in Boston | ||||||||||
2019 | Amit Vishwas | Professor Gordon Stacey "Ground based THz Spectroscopy of Obscured Starbursts in the Early Universe enabled by ZEUS-2"
| Cornell University | ||||||||||
2018 | J.J. Zanazzi | Professor Dong Lai "On the Dynamics of Protoplanetary Disks" | Postdoc Fellow at CITA | ||||||||||
2018 | Matt Hankins | Professor Terry Herter "Exploring HII Regions and Massive Dusty Stars in the Galactic Center with SOFIA/FORCAST" | Assistant Professor, Arkansas Tech University | ||||||||||
2017 | Luke Leisman | Professors Giovanelli & Haynes
| Assistant Professor of Physics & Astronomy, Valparaiso University (Tenure-track position) | ||||||||||
2017 | Sean Marshall | Professor Donald Campbell | Postdoctoral Researcher, Arecibo Observatory, Puerto Rico | ||||||||||
2017 | Ryan Miranda | Professor Dong Lai | Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton | ||||||||||
2017 | Tyler Pauly | Dr. Gregory Sloan & Professor Robin Garrod
| Postdoctoral Researcher, Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore | ||||||||||
2017 | Dong Wang | Professor Jonathan Lunine
| Quantitative Consultant, JP Morgan, NYC | ||||||||||
2017 | Robert Wharton (Physics) | Professor James Cordes
| Max-Planck-Institute for Radioastronomie, Bonn, Germany | ||||||||||
2016 | Andrew Bohn | Professor Saul Teukolsky | SpaceX | ||||||||||
2016 | Francois Hebert | Professor Saul Teukolsky | Postdoctoral Researcher, California Institute of Technology | ||||||||||
2016 | Michael Jones | Professors Riccard Giovanelli & Martha Haynes
| Postdoctoral Researcher, Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia | ||||||||||
2016 | Michael Lam | Professor James Cordes
| Assistant Professor, Rochester Institute of Technology | ||||||||||
2016 | Zhimeng Zhang (Z.Z.) | Professor Alexander Hayes
| NASA Postdoctoral Fellow, Jet Propulsion Laboratory | ||||||||||
2015 | Joyce Byun | Professor Rachel Bean "Probing The Physics Of Inflation: Searching For Non-Gaussianity In The Cosmic Microwave Background And Large-Scale Structure" | Postdoctoral Reseracher at University of Sussex | ||||||||||
2015 | Shoshanna Cole | Professor Steven Squyres "Petrology, Stratigraphy, And Geologic History Of Husband Hill, Gusev Crater, Mars" | |||||||||||
2015 | Megan Comins Mergo | Dr. Marina Romanova "Planet Migration Around Young Magnetized Stars" | Engineering Specialist at The Aerospace Corporation in El Segundo, CA, working on flight software verification for rocket launches and new rocket development | ||||||||||
2015 | Sergei Dyda | Professor Richard Lovelace & Dr. Marina Romanova "Magnetohydrodynamics Of Accretion To Rotating Magnetized Stars" | Postdoctoral Scholar at UNLV | ||||||||||
2015 | Jason D. Hofgartner | Professor Jonathan Lunine & Professor Alex Hayes "Dynamic Phenomena in the Lakes and Seas of Titan" | Planetary Scientist at the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder | ||||||||||
2015 | Marko Krco | Professor Paul Goldsmith "Measurements And Time Evolution Of Atomic And Molecular Hydrogen In Interstellar Clouds" | FAST Senior Operations Manager, National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences | ||||||||||
2015 | Patrick Lii | Dr. Marina Romanova & Professor Richard Lovelace "Outflows And Accretion At The Disk-Magnetosphere Boundary" | Software Engineer | ||||||||||
2015 | Dustin Madison | Professor James Cordes "Efforts To Broaden And Facilitate Pulsar Timing Array Searches For Gravitational Radiation" | Assistant Professor of Physics, University of the Pacific | ||||||||||
2015 | Eva-Maria Mueller | Professor Rachel Bean "Constraining Physics Beyond The Cosmological Standard Model" | Senior Research Associate, Institute of Cosmology & Gravitation | ||||||||||
2015 | Michael Roman | Professor Peter Gierasch "Clouds, Hazes, And Methane In The Atmospheres Of Uranus And Neptune: An Analysis Of Spatially Resolved, Near Infrared Spectra" | University of Michigan, Astronomy, Post-Doc | ||||||||||
2015 | Everett Schlawin | Professor Terry Herter "Observations Of Disintegrating, Evaporating And Hot Planet Atmospheres With Transmission Spectra" | Steward Observatory/University of Arizona | ||||||||||
2015 | Natalia Storch | Professor Dong Lai "Spin-Orbit Coupling And Tidal Dissipation In Hot Jupiter Systems" | Postdoctoral Researcher at California Institute of Technology - Caltech | ||||||||||
2014 | Gregory Hallenbeck | Professor Riccardo Giovanelli & Professor Martha Haynes Resolved Gas Studies of HighMass Galaxies: Massive, Gas-Rich Galaxies in ALFALFA | Visiting Assistant Professor, Union College | ||||||||||
2014 | Katherine Henriksson | Professor Ira Wasserman & Professor Saul Teukolsky Solving for Black Hole-neutron Star Binary Configurations: Methods and Results | |||||||||||
2014 | Ryan Lau | Professor Terry Herter Probing the Extreme Environment of the Galactic Center with Observations from Sofia/Forcast | Caltech | ||||||||||
2014 | Daniel Tamayo | Professor Joseph Burns | |||||||||||
2013 | Elizabeth (Betsey) Adams | Professor Martha Haynes Ultra-compact High Velocity Clouds in the ALFALFA HI Survey: Local Group Galaxy Candidates
| ASTRON, Groningen, Netherlands | ||||||||||
2013 | Drew Brisbin | Professor Gordon Stacey Star Formation and Galaxy Evolution Since z~2: Results from Multiwavelength Surveys | ALMA Postdoctoral Fellow, NRAO Charlottesville, VA | ||||||||||
2013 | Carl Ferkinhoff | Professor Gordon Stacey Development of the 2nd Generation z Redshift)and Early Universe Spectrometer & The Study of Far-IR Fine-Structure LineEmission in High-z Galaxies | Assistant Professor of Physics at Winona State University | ||||||||||
2013 | James Fuller | Professor Dong Lai Dynamical Tides and Oscillations in Stellar and Planetary Systems | Caltech | ||||||||||
2013 | Rebecca Harbison | Professor Phil Nicholson | Assistant Professor, University of Nebraska | ||||||||||
2013 | Daniel Hemberger | Professor Saul Teukolsky | Post-Doc at Caltech | ||||||||||
2013 | Shan Huang | Professor Martha Haynes Gas-Rich Galaxies in the ALFALFA Survey: From HI Dwarfs to Giants | |||||||||||
2013 | Manolis Papastergis | Professor Riccardo Giovanelli & Professor Martha Haynes Statistical Analysis of ALFALFA Galaxies: Insights in Galaxy Formation & Near-field Cosmology
| NOVA Postdoctoral Fellow, Kapteyn Institute, University of Groningen (Netherlands) | ||||||||||
2012 | Wen Fu | Professor Dong Lai
| Rice University | ||||||||||
2012 | Istvan Laszlo | Professor Rachel Bean
| ||||||||||
2012 | Kassandra Martin-Wells | Professor Donald Campbell
| Assistant Professor Ursinus College | ||||||||||
2012 | Laura Spitler | Professor Jim Cordes
| ||||||||||
2011 | Nishant Argarwal | Professor Rachel Bean
| McWilliams Postdoctoral Fellow, Carnegie Mellon University | ||||||||||
2011 | Ryan Anderson | Professor Jim Bell
| ||||||||||
2011 |
| ||||||||||
2011 |
| ||||||||||
2011 |
| ||||||||||
2011 |
| Professor Martha Haynes Neutral Hydrogen in the Local Universe: Distributions of Gas-Rich Galaxies from ALFALFA |
| ||||||||||
2011 |
| Professor James Lloyd
| ||||||||||
2011 |
| Professor Ira Wasserman
| ||||||||||
| Professor Jim Bell
| Postdoctoral Scholar, Geology and Planetary Science, Caltech | ||||||||||
2010 |
| Professor Jim Cordes
| ||||||||||
2010 |
| Professor David Chernoff
| ||||||||||
2010 |
| Professor Jim Bell
| ||||||||||
2010 |
| Dr. Marina Romanova
| ||||||||||
2010 |
| Professor Jim Cordes
| ||||||||||
2010 |
| Research scientist for the California Institute of University of Technology and NASA/IPAC. | ||||||||||
2010 |
| Professor Eanna Flanagan | |||||||||||
2010 |
| Professor Saul Teukolsky
| Caltech | ||||||||||
2010 |
| Professor Steve Squyres
| ||||||||||
2009 |
| Professor Gordon Stacey
| Caltech | ||||||||||
| Professor Saul Teukolsky
| CITA | ||||||||||
2009 | Thomas Oberst | Professor Gordon Stacey
| ||||||||||
2009 |
| Professor Jean-Luc Margot
| ||||||||||
2009 | David Tsang | Professor Dong Lai
| ||||||||||
2009 |
| Professor James Houck
| ||||||||||
2008 | Ruxandra Bondarescu | Professor Saul Teukolsky
| ||||||||||
2008 | Shannon Gutenkunst | Professor James Houck
| ||||||||||
2008 | Tanja Hinderer | Professor Eanna Flanagan
| |||||||||||
2008 | Suniti Karunatillake | Professor Steven Squyres
| ||||||||||
2008 | Brian Kent | Professor Riccardo Giovanelli
| ||||||||||
2008 | Richard Kipphorn | ||||||||||||
2008 | Min Long | Dr. Marina Romanova
| ||||||||||
2008 | Andrew Lundgren | Professor Eanna Flanagan
| Physicist, Institute of Cosmology & Gravitation, University of Portsmouth | ||||||||||
2008 | Zachary Medin | Professor Dong Lai
| Los Alamos Laboratory | ||||||||||
2008 | Ryan Yamada | ||||||||||||
2007 | Taner Akgun | Professor Ira Wasserman
| |||||||||||
2007 | Marc Berthoud | Professor Terry Herter CO Emission From the Inner Disk Around Intermediate-Mass Stars | |||||||||||
2007 | John Karcz (Physics) | Professor David Chernoff First-Principles Examination of Molecule Formation in Interstellar Grains | |||||||||||
2007 | Jason Marshall | Professor Terry Herter The Decomposition of Dusty Galaxy Spectral Energy Distributions | |||||||||||
2007 | Jagadheep Pandian | Professor Paul Goldsmith 6.7 GHz Methanol Masers: Properties, Associations and Tracers of Galactic Structure | |||||||||||
2007 | Patrico Rojo | Professor Peter Gierasch | |||||||||||
2007 | David Rothstein | Professor Richard Lovelace The Weather Around Black Holes: Accretion Disk and Jet Evolution In GRS 1915+105 and Other Systems | |||||||||||
2007 | Amelie Saintonge | Professor Riccardo Giovanelli | |||||||||||
2007 | Britt Scharringhausen | Professor Philp Nicholson | |||||||||||
2007 | Akiko Shirakawa (Physics) | Professor Dong Lai | |||||||||||
2007 | Jason Soderblom | Professor James Bell | Research Scientist, Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT | ||||||||||
2007 | Matt Van Adelsberg | Professor Dong Lai Thermal Radiation From Isolated Neutron Stars: Spectra and Polarizations | |||||||||||
2007 | Riva (Ali) Vanderveld (Physics) | Professor Ira Wassermsn Systematic Effects of Local Large Scale Structure on the Measured Expansion History of the Universe | |||||||||||
2006 | Marc Favata | Professor Eanna Flanagan
| |||||||||||
2006 | Elise Furlan | Professor Terry Herter | |||||||||||
2006 | Timothy McConnochie | Professor James Bell | |||||||||||
2006 | Christopher Springob | Professor Martha Haynes | |||||||||||
2006 | Mark Wyman (Physics) | Professor Ira Wasserman | |||||||||||
2005 | Katheryn Becker | Professor James Cordes Courting Serendipity: The Search For Transient Radio Signals | |||||||||||
2005 | Jeandrew Brink (Physics Student) | Professors Teukolsky & Wasserman A Nonlinear Coupling Network to Capture the R-Mode Instability in Neutron Stars | |||||||||||
2005 | Joseph Carson | Professors Eikenberry & Houck
| Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy at College of Charleston | ||||||||||
2005 | Lynn Carter | Professor Donald Campbell Investigating Mantling Deposits On Venus and Regoliths On Asteroids Using Radar Polarimetry | Associate Professor, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, Arizona | ||||||||||
2005 | Barbara Catinella | Professor Martha Haynes | Assistant Professor, ICRAR | ||||||||||
2005 | Matija Cuk | Professor Joseph Burns Dynamics and Origin of the Irregular Satellites of the Giant Planets | Research Scientist, SETI | ||||||||||
2005 | Steven Drasco (Physics Student) | Professor Eanna Flanagan | |||||||||||
2005 | Lucy Lim | Professor Steven Squyres | Astrochemist, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center | ||||||||||
2005 | Karen Masters | Professor Martha Haynes Senior Lecturer, University of Portsmouth (UK) | Associate Professor, Haverford College | ||||||||||
2005 | Etienne Racine (Physics Student) | Professor Eanna Flanagan Aspects of The Motion of Extended Bodies in the Post-Newtonian Approximation To General Relativity | |||||||||||
2005 | Bjoern Schmekel (Physics Student) | Professors Wassermand & Lovelace Collisionless Beam-Radiation Processes in the Laboratory and Astrophysics | |||||||||||
2005 | Kristine Spekkens | Professor Riccardo Giovanelli Testing Cold Dark Matter Paradigm Predictions with Disk Galaxy Dynamics | Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Royal Military College of Canada | ||||||||||
2004 | Valerio Carruba | Professor Joseph Burns Dynamics of Asteroid Families and Irregular Satellites of Jovian Planets | Professor, Department of Mathematics, Sao Paulo State University | ||||||||||
2004 | Dae-Sik Moon | Professors Ekenberry & Houck | Associate Professor, Department of Astronomy, University of Toronto | ||||||||||
2004 | Eldar Noe Dobrea | Professor James Bell Spectroscopic Searches for Water Alteration Products on Mars | Research Scientist, Planetary Science Institute | ||||||||||
2003 | Shamibrata Chatterjee | Professor James Cordes Neutron Star Kinematics:Pulsar Parallaxes, Bowshock Nebulae & Interstellar Medium | Research Professor, Proncipal Research Scientist, Department of Astronomy, Cornell University
| ||||||||||
2003 | Wynn Ho | Professor Dong Lai Thermal Radiation from the Atmospheres of Magnetic Neutron Stars | Research Associate, Haverford College | ||||||||||
2003 | Harald Pfeiffer | Professor Saul Teukolsky | Professor, Max Planck Institute | ||||||||||
2002 | Jeremiah Darling | Professor Riccardo Giovanelli | Professor, University of Colorado (Boulder) | ||||||||||
2002 | Paul Rene Estrada | Professor Steven Squyres | |||||||||||
2002 | Di Li | Professor Paul Goldsmith | Professor, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences | ||||||||||
2001 | Charles Bradford | Professor Gordon Stacey | Research Scientist, JPL/Caltech | ||||||||||
2001 | David Kornreich | Professor Martha Haynes | |||||||||||
2001 | Maura McLaughlin | Professor James Cordes Multi-Wavelength Studies of Rotation Driven Pulsars
| |||||||||||
2001 | John-David Smith | Professor James Houck The Wolf-Rayet Phenomenon in the Infrared: Massive Stars Probing Stellar Formation | |||||||||||
2000 | Katrin Hagemann | Masters: | |||||||||||
2000 | Walter Landry | Profssor Saul Teukolsky An Efficient Method for Fully Relativistic Simulations of Coalescing Binary Neutron Stars | |||||||||||
2000 | Colleen McGee | Comet Shoemaker-Levy's 1994 Collision with Jupiter and Saturn's 1995 Plane Crossings | |||||||||||
2000 | Julie Rathbun | Professor Steven Squyres | |||||||||||
1999 | Jean-Luc Margot | Professor Donald Campbell Professor, UCLA Earth and Space Sciences, University of California (Los Angeles) | |||||||||||
1999 | Stephen Rinehart | Professor James Houck | |||||||||||
1998 | Daniel Dale | Professor Riccardo Giovanelli | |||||||||||
1998 | James Lombardi | Professor Saul Teukolsky | |||||||||||
1998 | Jeff Moresch | Professor Steven Squyres | |||||||||||
1998 | Morten Nielsen | Masters: Accretion of A Uniformly Expanding Gas Onto A Moving Compact Star | |||||||||||
1997 | Gregory Black | Professors Nicholson & Campbell | |||||||||||
1997 | Katherine Jore | Professor Martha Haynes | |||||||||||
1997 | Joseph Lazio | Professor James Cordes Genetic Algorithms, Pulsar Planets and Ionized interstellar Microturbulence | |||||||||||
1997 | Pascal Lee | Professor Joseph Veverka Physical Properties and Processing of Asteroid Regoliths and Interiors | |||||||||||
1997 | Tyler Nordgren | Professor Yervant Terzian | |||||||||||
1997 | Marco Scodeggio | Professor Riccardo Giovanelli | |||||||||||
1997 | Susan Stolovoy | Professor Terry Herter | |||||||||||
1997 | Peter Wilson | Professor Joseph Burns | |||||||||||
1996 | Brett Gladman | Professor Joseph Burns | |||||||||||
1996 | Arsen Hajian | Professor Yervant Terzian Circumstellar Ejecta Surrounding Evolved, Intermediate Mass Stars
| |||||||||||
1996 | Lev Nayvelt | Professor Peter Gierasch Waves and Dynamics in the Atmospheres of Terrestrial Planets | |||||||||||
1996 | Michael L. Rilee | Professor Ravi Sudan Energy Release and Transport in Solar Flares
| |||||||||||
1996 | Mark Scheel | Professor Saul Teukolsky Numerical Computation of Black Hole Spacetimes | |||||||||||
1996 | Liese Van Zee | Professor Martha Haynes Evolutionary Studies of Low Surface Brightness Dwarf Galaxies | |||||||||||
1996 | Debra Wolkovitch | Professor Paul Goldsmith
| |||||||||||
1995 | Mathew Ashby | Professor James Houck The Energy Generation Mechanisms Powering Infrared-Selected Galaxies | |||||||||||
1995 | Matthew Class | Professor Donald Campbell | |||||||||||
1995 | Sergio Gelato | Professors Wasserman & Chernoff | |||||||||||
1995 | Ignacio Mosqueira | Professor Phil Nicholson | |||||||||||
1995 | Denise Smith | Professor Terry Herter | |||||||||||
1995 | Nikole Voght | Professors Haynes & Herter The Effects of Environment on Mass and Light in Galaxies: A Study of Nine Nearby Clusters | |||||||||||
1995 | Alexandre Zepka | Professor James Cordes | |||||||||||
1994 | Jayaram Chengalur | Professor Yervant Terzian | |||||||||||
1994 | Tracey Evans | Professor Martha Haynes | |||||||||||
1994 | Jules Goldspiel | Professor Steven Squyres | |||||||||||
1994 | Douglas Hamilton | Professor Joseph Burns | |||||||||||
1994 | Robert Corby Hovis | Professors Jarrett, Kragh & Wasserman Principles and the Development of Physical Theory: Case Studies | |||||||||||
1994 | David Jankowski | Professor Steven Squyres Rheology and Structure of Planetary Near-Surface Materials From Landform Topography | |||||||||||
1994 | Dong Lai | Professors Shapiro & Salpeter | Professor of Astronomy, Cornell University | ||||||||||
1994 | Scott Lundgren | Professor James Cordes | |||||||||||
1994 | John Miles | Professor James Houck | |||||||||||
1994 | Amy Miran | Professor Paul Goldsmith | |||||||||||
1994 | Michael Doyle Smith | Professor Peter Gierasch Winds, Waves, Radiation, and Convection in Planetary Atmospheres | |||||||||||
1993 | John Hillier | Professor Joseph Veverka
| |||||||||||
1993 | Christopher Koresko | Professor Stephen Beckwith The Early Evolution of Binary Stars
| |||||||||||
1993 | Nan-Yao Lu | Professor Edwin Salpeter Measuring the Hubble Constant and Our Virgo-Infall Velocity Independently | |||||||||||
1993 | Samuel Megeath | Professor Terry Herter Near Infrared Surveys of High Mass Star Forming Regions
| |||||||||||
1993 | Nicholas Stacy | Professor Tor Hagfors High-Resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar Observations of the Moon | |||||||||||
1992 | John Contopoulos | Professor Richard Lovelace | |||||||||||
1991 | Lars Bildsten | Professors Salpeter/Wasserman | Director of Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics , Professor of Physics, UC Santa Barbara | ||||||||||
1991 | Michael Blaskiewicz | Professor James Cordes | |||||||||||
1991 | Christopher Chyba | Professor Carl Sagan Extraterrestrial Organic Molecules, The Heavy Bombardment, and The Terrestrial Origins of Life
| |||||||||||
1991 | Andrew Clegg | Professor James Cordes Radio Frequency Investigations of the Interstellar Medium
| |||||||||||
1991 | Maren Cooke | Professor Phil Nicholson Saturn's Rings: Photometric Studies of the C Ring and Radial Variation in the Keeler Gap | |||||||||||
1991 | Brett Isham | Professor Tor Hagfors | |||||||||||
1991 | James Anthony Phillips | Professor Tor Hagfors | |||||||||||
1991 | Frederic Rasio | Professors Shapiro & Teukolsky Hydrodynamical Calculations of Stellar Interactions | |||||||||||
1991 | Neil Rowlands | Professor James Houck Infrared Emission Lines From Highly Ionized Regions
| |||||||||||
1991 | Anne Verbiscer | Professor Joseph Veverka | |||||||||||
1990 | Wolfram Freudling | Professor Martha Haynes | |||||||||||
1990 | Thomas Herbst | Professor Steven Beckwith | |||||||||||
1990 | Robert Kolvoord | Professor Joseph Burns | |||||||||||
1990 | Christopher Magri | Professor Martha Haynes An Observational Study of Arm Structure In Normal Spiral Galaxies | |||||||||||
1990 | Hugo Martel | Professor Ira Wasserman | |||||||||||
1990 | Andrew Weir | Professor Peter Gierasch | |||||||||||
1989 | Robert Jaquin | Professor Daniel Richard Stinebring | |||||||||||
1989 | Gerald Quinlan | Professors Shapiro,Salpeter & Teukolsky | |||||||||||
1989 | Leslie Schaffer | Professor Joseph Burns | |||||||||||
1988 | Paul Graf | Professor James Houck A Fabry-Perot For Airborne Infrared Astronomy and the [Si II] Emission From The Galactic Center | |||||||||||
1988 | Loren Petrich | Professors Shapiro & Teukolsky Accretion Onto A Moving Black Hole: An Exact Solution
| |||||||||||
1988 | Alexander Pidwerbetsky | Simulation and Analysis of Wave Propagation Through Random Media
| |||||||||||
1988 | Inge Thiering | Long Term Pulsar Intensity Variations and Propagation Effects in the Interstellar Medium | |||||||||||
1988 | John Chi Lin Wang | Professors Wasserman & Salpeter The Transfer of Cyclotron Photons Through Neutron Star Atmospheres | |||||||||||
1987 | Michael Bicay | Professor Walker | |||||||||||
1987 | Wolfram Birkmayer | Chirped Incoherent Scatter Radar Plasma Line Measurements | |||||||||||
1987 | Perry Hacking | ||||||||||||
1987 | Guy Scott Miller | ||||||||||||
1987 | Joan Schmelz | Investigations of Extragalactic Hydroxyl | |||||||||||
1987 | Damon Simonelli | Professor Joseph Veverka | |||||||||||
1987 | Michael Skrutskie | Infrared Constraints on the Nature of Dark Matter | |||||||||||
1986 | Sean Colgan |
Arecibo Emission-Absorption Studies of the Interstellar Medium | |||||||||||
1986 | Edvige Corbelli |
| |||||||||||
1986 | William Deich | Pulsar Emission: Systematic Intensity Fluctuations, Nulls and Position Angle Swings | |||||||||||
1986 | Robert Duncan Jr. | Topics in the Theory of Neutron Star Cooling | |||||||||||
1986 | Stephen Schneider | Galaxy Groups: Neutral Hydrogen and Dynamics | |||||||||||
1986 | Paul Viscuso | Observations of Far-Infrared Molecular Emission Lines From the Orion Molecular Cloud | |||||||||||
1985 | Nathaniel Cohen | Milliarcsecond Morphology of the Twin Quasar 0957-56A, B: The View Through A Gravitational Lens | |||||||||||
1985 | Terrance Gaetz | Gas Dynamical Stripping of Galaxies | |||||||||||
1985 | Julio Magalhaes | Hadley Circulation in Planetary Atmospheres | |||||||||||
1985 | Mark Showalter | Jupiter's Ring System Resolved: Physical Properties Inferred From the Voyager Images | SETI Institute | ||||||||||
1985 | Mark Shure | Infrared Emission Lines From Planetary Nebulae | |||||||||||
1985 | John Simonetti | Variations in The Small Scale Galactic Magnetic Field and Short Time-Scale Intensity Variations of Extragalactic Radio Sources | |||||||||||
1985 | Gordon Stacey | Professor Martin Harwit | Professor of Astronomy, Cornell University | ||||||||||
1984 | Steven Wendell Lee | Eolian Sediment Transport on Mars: Seasonal and Topographic Effects | |||||||||||
1984 | W. Reed Thompson | Professor Carl Sagan A Physical and Chemical Study of Titan: Atmosphere, Clouds and Hazes | |||||||||||
1983 | Bonnie Buratti | Photometric Properties of Europa and the Icy Satellites of Saturn | |||||||||||
1983 | Rida Farouki | Simulations of Galaxy Mergers | |||||||||||
1983 | Glenn Lysle Hoffman, Jr. | Spherical Simulations of Large Scale Structure in the Universe | |||||||||||
1982 | Barbara Burns | Cratering Analysis of the Surface of Venus As Mapped by 12.6 Cm Radar | |||||||||||
1982 | Paul Schinder | Neutrino Emission From A Hot, Dense, Plane-Parallel Atmosphere In Hydrostatic Equilibrium | |||||||||||
1982 | Daniel Stinebring | Pulsar Polarization: Dual-Frequency Observations and the Production of Orthogonally Polarized Radiation | |||||||||||
1982 | Bruce Thompson | Professors Houck, Kukes & Lovelace Crustal Electrical Conductivity Studies in the Georgia Piedmont | |||||||||||
1981 | Jay Gougen | A Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of The Photometric Functions of Particulate Surfaces | |||||||||||
1981 | Dayton Jones | Nonthermal Radio Sources in Galactic Nuclei | |||||||||||
1981 | Joel Macauslan | A Self-Consistent Linear-Mode Analysis of A Stellar Convection Zone | |||||||||||
1981 | Gary Melnick | Far-Infrared Fine-Structure Line Studies of Galactic Nebulae | |||||||||||
1981 | Harry Payne | Neutral Hydrogen 21 Cm Line Emission-Absorption Observations of The Interstellar Medium | |||||||||||
1981 | Thomas Roellig | One Millimeter Continuum Observations of Extragalactic Thermal Sources | |||||||||||
1981 | Gary Slater | Monte Carlo Calculations of Resonance Scattering in a Semi-Infinite Slab | |||||||||||
1981 | Steven Squyres | Professor Joseph Veverka | Chief scientist for Blue Origins | ||||||||||
1980 | Michael Burns | Theory of Electron-Positron Showers in Double Radio Sources | |||||||||||
1980 | Linda French | Photometric Properties of Carbonaceous Chondrites and Related Materials | |||||||||||
1980 | George Helou | Virgo Cluster Galaxies: Neutral Hydrogen Studies | |||||||||||
1980 | Robert Hohlfed | On the Stability and Dynamics of Disk Galaxies: Considerations On The Axisymmetric Background | |||||||||||
1980 | Alan Merchant | Star Clusters Containing Massive, Central Black Holes: Evolution Calculations | |||||||||||
1980 | John McCarthy | Airborne Infrared Spectroscopy of Ionized Hydrogen Regions and the Galactic Center | |||||||||||
1979 | Patrick J. Clark | Thermal Radio Emission From Normal Spiral Galaxies | |||||||||||
1979 | John Connerney | Deep Crustal Electrical Conductivity in the Adirondacks | |||||||||||
1979 | Gordon Gullahorn | Pulsar Timing Results From Arecibo Observatory | |||||||||||
1979 | William Newman | Late-Stage Evolution of Supernova Remnants | |||||||||||
1978 | Richard Bogart | Dynamics of The Solar Convective Envelope | |||||||||||
1978 | Bruce Draine | Topics in the Physics of Interstellar Grains | |||||||||||
1978 | Edward Dunham | Occultation Studies of Planets and Satellites | |||||||||||
1978 | Howard Houben | Tidal Dissipation in the Solar System and the Possibility of Tidally-Driven Planetary Magnetic Dynamos | |||||||||||
1978 | Nathan Krumm | A Study of Neutral Hydrogen in Early-Type Galaxies in the Virgo Cluster | |||||||||||
1978 | Steven Peterson | A Study of Binary Galaxies: Total Mass and the Ratio of Mass-To-Luminosity | |||||||||||
1978 | Peter Silvergate | Radio Recombination Lines from HII Regions | |||||||||||
1978 | Peter Thomas | Professors Bloom & Veverka | |||||||||||
1977 | John Dickey | Studies of Interstellar Neutral Hydrogen at Twenty-One Centimeter Wavelength | |||||||||||
1977 | Richard Gordon French | On The Theory and Analysis of Occultation Light Curves | |||||||||||
1977 | David Gilman | Low Energy Gamma Ray Astronomy From Apollo 16 | |||||||||||
1977 | Michael Jacobson | Far-Infrared Photometry With An 0.4-Meter Liquid Helium Cooled Balloon-Borne Telescope | |||||||||||
1977 | Kathy Rages | Atmospheric Red Chromophores in the Outer Solar System | |||||||||||
1977 | Robert Reed | The 16 to 40 Micron Spectra of Jupiter and Venus | |||||||||||
1977 | Richard Saenz | Relativity and Neutron Stars: I. The Maximum Mass of Neutron Stars [and] II. Gravitational Waves From Stellar Collapse | |||||||||||
1977 | Peter Silvaggio | Experimental Determination of Molecular Absorption Coefficients for Methane and Ammonia at Low Temperatures and Model Atmospheres for the Major Planets | |||||||||||
1977 | Ming -Hing Tai | A Practical Hadamard Transform Spectrometer for Astronomical Application | |||||||||||
1977 | Peter Vitello | Hydrodynamic Studies in Astrophysics: I. Relativistic Expanding Non-Thermal Radio Sources; II. Optically Thick Accretion Near the Eddington Limit | |||||||||||
1977 | Richard Weaver | Considerations on Dense Matter in Astrophysics | |||||||||||
1976 | Daniel Briotta | Rocket Infrared Spectroscopy of the Zodiacal Dust Cloud | Retired, Ithaca College | ||||||||||
1976 | Brian Dennison | Astronomical Polarization Studies at Radio and Infrared Wavelengths | |||||||||||
1976 | Dale Pleticha | Analysis and Application of A Multi-Beam Radio Astronomy Survey | |||||||||||
1976 | William Rossow | The Physics of Clouds: Applications To Other Planets | |||||||||||
1976 | David John Stevenson | The Interior of Jupiter |
| ||||||||||
1976 | Mark Strickman | Variability of High Energy Radiation From the Crab Pulsar, NP 532 | |||||||||||
1976 | Dennis Ward | Far Infrared Spectroscopy of HII Regions | |||||||||||
1976 | Gregory Williams | Electrodynamics and the Moon -- Transport Processes | |||||||||||
1975 | John Durdin | The Analysis and Interpretation of Multi-Beam Radio Survey Data | |||||||||||
1975 | Richard Lawrence French | Dynamical Models of Dust-Filled Planetary Nebulae | |||||||||||
1975 | Michael Noland | Photometric Studies of Phobos, Deimos, and the Satellites of Saturn | |||||||||||
1975 | David Schaak | Infrared Astronomical Spectroscopy From High Altitude Aircraft | |||||||||||
1975 | Owen Brian Toon | Climatic Change on the Earth and Mars | |||||||||||
1974 | Franklin Humprehy Briggs IV | Radio Interferometer Studies of Solar System objects | |||||||||||
1974 | Murray F. Campbell | High Energy Gamma-Ray Survey of Cygnus and Cassiopeia | |||||||||||
1974 | Robert Malone | Cooling of Superfluid Neutron Stars | |||||||||||
1973 | Arnold Benz | Acceleration of Solar Wind Protons and heavy Ions | |||||||||||
1973 | Valetin Boriakoff | Pulsar Radio Frequency Observations With A Digital Pulsar Processor | |||||||||||
1973 | John Comella | Average Radio Spectra of Pulsars | |||||||||||
1973 | George Ioannidis | The Application of Barker Coded Pulses | |||||||||||
1973 | Jonathan Katz | Models of Compact X-Ray Sources | |||||||||||
1973 | Thomas McConough | The Solar Wind, The Interstellar Medium, and Jupiter | |||||||||||
1973 | Vernon Pankonin | Decimeter-Wavelength Studies of Hydrogen and Carbon Recombination Lines Toward Galactic Nebulae | |||||||||||
1973 | Perry Phillips | Hadamard Transform Spectroscopy for Far Infrared Astronomical Observations | |||||||||||
1973 | Ernest Scharlemann | Aligned Rotating Magnetospheres | |||||||||||
1973 | Kevin Suffern | Appearance of Relativistic Stellar Systems | |||||||||||
1973 | Lawrence Wasserman | Studies of Planetary Atmospheres BY Stellar Occulations | |||||||||||
1972 | Arnold Benz |
The Acceleration of Solar Wind Protons and Heavy Ions | |||||||||||
1972 | James Condon | Decimetric Spectra of Extragalactic Radio Sources | |||||||||||
1972 | Linda DeNoyer | Radio Continuum and 2 Cm Hydrogen Line Observations of Galactic Supernova Remnants | |||||||||||
1972 | Jon Hagen | A Hybrid Autocorrelator and Its Application to High Altitude Incoherent Scatter | |||||||||||
1972 | Victor Mansfield | Evolution and Structure of HII Regions | |||||||||||
1972 | Robert Reilinger | Angular and Energy Resolution In Gamma Ray Telescopes | |||||||||||
1972 | David Richards | Absolute Timing of Twelve Pulsars | |||||||||||
1972 | B. Thomas Soifer | Rocket Infrared Multicolor Observations of the Interplanetary Medium, HII Regions, and the Galactic Center Region | |||||||||||
1972 | Laird Whitehill | Solar System Applications of MIE Theory and of Radiative Transfer of Polarized Light | |||||||||||
1971 | Donald Backer | Radio Intensity Fluctuations in Pulsars | |||||||||||
1971 | Bruce Balick | Fine Structure in HII Regions | |||||||||||
1971 | Donald Campbell | Radar Interferometric Observations of Venus | Professor Emeritus of Astronomy, Cornell University | ||||||||||
1971 | Juan Antonio Castro | Study of a Possible Correlation Between Quasi-Stellar Objects and Rich Clusters of Galaxies | |||||||||||
1971 | Theodore Gull | Observations of Interstellar Molecular Hydrogen and Measurements of Hydrogen and Helium Fluxes From Planetary Nebulae | |||||||||||
1971 | Paul Joss | Carbon-Rich Stars With Helium Envelopes | |||||||||||
1971 | Arthur Niell | Flux Densities and Spectra of Extragalactic Radio Sources | |||||||||||
1971 | Alan Parrish | Meter Wavelength Observations of Galactic Radio Sources and the Galactic Disk Radiation | |||||||||||
1971 | Judith Pipher | Rocket Submillimeter Observations of the Galaxy and Background | |||||||||||
1971 | Steven Soter | Studies of Terrestrial Planets | |||||||||||
1971 | Gustave Zeissig | Observations and Analysis of Interplanetary Scintillation | |||||||||||
1970 | Allen Boozer | Late Stages of Stellar Evolution Carbon-Oxygen Stars and Neutron Stars | |||||||||||
1970 | Harold D. Craft, Jr. | Radio Observations of the Pulse Profiles and Dispersion Measures of Twelve Pulsars | VP Emeritus, Exec. Vice Pres., Sr. University Consultant, Cornell Univ. | ||||||||||
1970 | Kris David Davidson | Photoionizaton of Gas Clouds by Non-Thermal Radiation Spectra | |||||||||||
1970 | Hee-Jae Lee | Wave-Particle Interaction in Whistler Mode Wave Packet - A Computer Study | |||||||||||
1970 | Richard V. E. Lovelace | Theory and Analysis of Interplanetary Scintillations | Professor Emeritus of Applied Engineering Physics & Astronomy, Cornell University | ||||||||||
1969 | David Hollenbach | Physical Adsorption and the Molecular Hydrogen Densities of Interstellar Clouds | |||||||||||
1968 | Alfred Dunklee | Experiment To Measure Secondary Ion-Electron Emission on Dielectrics | |||||||||||
1968 | James Henshaw | Simulating Comet Orbits With an N-Body Program | |||||||||||
1968 | Raymond Jurgens | A Study of the Average and Anomalous Radar Scattering From the Surface of Venus at 70 Cm Wavelength | |||||||||||
1968 | John Lease | Bolometers For infrared Astronomy | |||||||||||
1968 | Thomas Manwell | Error Analysis For A Chopper-Modulated Infra-Red Detection System | |||||||||||
1968 | Perry G. Phillips | A Multislit Grating Spectrometer | |||||||||||
1968 | Michael Werner | Observations of Interstellar Molecular Hydrogen | |||||||||||
1967 | Giles Beaudet | Carbon Burning Stars | |||||||||||
1967 | David DeYoung | Stellar Collisions and the Evolution Energetic Extragalactic Objects | |||||||||||
1967 | Franco Einaudi | Higher Approximation in the Theory of Longitudinal Plasma Oscillation | |||||||||||
1967 | Robert C. Newman | Some Problems In Cosmic Gas Dynamics | |||||||||||
1967 | Giovanni Emillo Perona | Problems In Macroscopi and Kinetic Plasma Theory | |||||||||||
1967 | Vahe Petrosian | Photoneutrino and Other Neutrino Processes in Astrophysics | |||||||||||
1967 | Michal Simon | Problems In High Energy Astrophysics | |||||||||||
1967 | C. Bruce Tarter | Radiative Transfer in A Gas Excited By X-Rays | |||||||||||
1966 | A.B. Friedland | Adiabatic Invariant Trapped Radiation Shells and Cosmic Ray Cutoffs in Models of the Magnetosphere Distorted By the Solar Wind Plasma | |||||||||||
1966 | Edward Jenkins | The Interpretation of Atmospheric Fluorescence Signals From Multijoule Cosmic Ray Air Showers | |||||||||||
1966 | Leonard Solomon | Study of Flare Stars | |||||||||||
1966 | George Thome | Study of Large-Scale Traveling Disturbances in the Ionosphere Using the Arecibo UHF Radar | |||||||||||
1965 | Philip Fanson | Noise Analysis of Correlation Using Phase Detectors With Application To 430 MC/S Polarimeter | |||||||||||
1965 | J. E.Felten | Inverse Compton Photons, Cosmic Electrons, and Related Problems in Particle Astrophysics | |||||||||||
1965 | Harry Hardebeck | Radiometric Observations of Jupiter, Venus and Mars at 430 MC/S | |||||||||||
1965 | Stanton Pole | The Dust Belt of The Earth | |||||||||||
1965 | T. W. Thompson | A Study of Radar-Scattering Behavior of Lunar Craters at 70 CM | |||||||||||
1965 | Hugh Van Horn | Nuclear Reaction Rates in Extremely Dense Matter | |||||||||||
1963 | H. C. Carlson, Jr. | Ionospheric Characteristic Parameters to 10,000 Km | |||||||||||
1963 | Peter Goldreich | Secular Changes in the Solar Systems | |||||||||||
1963 | Robert Gould | The Interstellar Abundance of the Hydrogen Molecule | |||||||||||
1962 | Martin Dwarkin | Professor Thomas Gold Masters Degree - Magnetic Effects of Geomagnetically Trapped Particles | |||||||||||
1962 | Stanton Peale | Professor Thomas Gold Masters Degree - Plasma Sheaths and Their Effects On Antennas | |||||||||||
1961 | Richard Fritz | Professor Cohen Masters Degree - Measurement of Faraday Dispersion in Type II Solar Events | |||||||||||
1960 | Benny Klock | Reticles For the Photoelectric Recording of Stellar Transits | |||||||||||
1960 | Mumtaz Zaidi | Professor Edwin Salpeter Lamb Shift Excitation Energy In the Ground State of The Helium Atom | |||||||||||
1958 | Joseph Bird | Professor Edwin Salpeter Massive Condensations in Interstellar Matter and Stellar Associations | |||||||||||
1956 | Gian-Carlo Rumni | Professor Benjamin Nichols VHF Radar Echoes Associated With Atmospheric Phenomena | |||||||||||
1955 | Betty Mintz | Determination of Terrestrial Position By Fixed Altitude Observations of the Stars | |||||||||||
1954 | Carl Greifinger | Professor Edwin Salpeter Mass Corrections to the Hyperfine Structure of Deuterium | |||||||||||
1953 | Jack Goldstein | Professor Edwin Salpeter Properties of Bound State Solutions To The Relativistic Two-Body Equation | |||||||||||
1952 | William Newcomb | Professor Edwin Salpeter Hyperfine Structure in Hydrogen and Deuterium
| |||||||||||
1951 | Vera Rubin | Evidence For A Rotating Universe As Determined From An Analysis of Radial Velocities of External Galaxies | |||||||||||
1951 | Ernest K. Smith, Jr. | The Sporadic E Region of the Ionosphere and Its Effect Upon Television | |||||||||||
1951 | George Thome | A Study of Large-Scale Traveling Disturbances In The Ionosphere Using The Arecibo UHF Radar | |||||||||||