Friends of Astronomy

In 1992 the Department officially inaugurated a group called "Friends of Astronomy" composed mostly of Cornell alumni and friends. This has been a very happy experience with significant interaction between the department and our friends in the wider world.

Anyone with an interest in all things astronomical here at Cornell is welcome to join the Friends of Astronomy group.  If interested in finding out more about the group, write to

The next Cornell Friends of Astronomy discussion will take place on Wednesday December 11th at 8 pm EST. Gordon Stacey, Professor of Astronomy and Director of the CCAT Project, will bring us up to date on the on-going construction of the Fred Young Submillimeter Telescope (FYST). Needless to say, constructing a novel telescope and installing it at an elevation of 18,400 feet in the driest place on Earth is quite a feat, but that is just what we are doing.  During 2024, pre-assembly of the telescope was completed in Germany, and it is now being disassembled and packed for shipment to Chile. The necessary infrastructure in Chile at both the summit and the service area at the base of Cerro Chajnantor are being completed. Gordon will review the status of the project and the exciting prospects for science operations and discovery in a little more than a year.

The event will take place over Zoom on Wednesday December 11 from 8:00 pm to 8:45 pm EST. There will be some free time for open discussion and reminiscences by participants from 7:30 pm to 8:00 pm and further Q/A from 8:45 pm to 9:30 pm as needed. The presentation will begin promptly at 8pm.  

For the Zoom link, contact

We hope you will join us!

Friends of Astronomy Newsletters
