Olive Ross

Astronomy & Space Sciences


I am a part of two research groups, in which I work on cosmology and astronomy education. I am currently supported by an NSF GRFP fellowship.

In my work on cosmology in Nicholas Battaglia's group, I focus on expanding simulations of large scale structure. I use machine learning to find the relationships between cosmological parameters and the evolution of galaxy clusters. The goal of this work is to better constrain the driving forces of structure formation and evolution, such as dark matter density and fluctuations in the early universe. 

In my education work in Natasha Holmes group, I'm using machine learning to quantify which active learning methods are most effective for equitable student learning. Ultimately, the aim of this project is to find classroom intervention methods have the highest positive impact on student learning.

I am passionate about increasing community engagement and making astronomy accessible to a wide range of audiences. I help to organize local outreach events, train new teaching assistants, and incorporate active learning methods into the department's curriculum. 

I graduated from UC Santa Cruz in 2020 with a degree in Astrophysics. While there, I researched the detection of primordial black holes, as well as the use of machine learning to measure weak lensing.

In my free time, you can find me crocheting, swimming, or hanging out with my little dog.
