James P. Lloyd



James Lloyd is Professor in the department of Astronomy at Cornell University with a joint appointment in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.  He is a graduate of the University of New South Wales (B.Sc Hons), was a Fulbright scholar at the University of California at Berkeley (M.A., Ph. D.) and Robert A. Millikan Prize Postdoctoral Scholar at the California Institute of Technology.  His research interests cover broadly extrasolar planets and the development astronomical instrumentation.  He has expertise and experience in infrared detectors and instrumentation, adaptive optics, interferometry, coronagraphy and high contrast imaging, wavefront sensing and precision radial velocity measurements.  He has wintered over twice at Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, for which he was awarded the US Navy Antarctica Service Medal with Gold Winterover Bar.  Professor Lloyd was a member of the National Academy of Sciences Astro 2010 Decadal Survey, the National Academy of Sciences Evaluation of the Implementation of WFIRST/AFTA and the NASA WFIRST Independent Evaluation and Technical Review panels.  He served as PI on Cornell’s UNP-4 and UNP-6 Nanosatellites, CUSat (launched as a secondary payload in September 2013) and Violet.  His current research activities at Cornell focus on the properties of extrasolar planets using data from the Kepler and GALEX missions and the development of ground, balloon and space based instruments to detect and characterize extrasolar planets.


“High resolution broadband spectroscopy using externally dispersed interferometry at the Hale telescope: Part 1, Data Analysis & Results”, David Erskine, Jerry Edelstein, Edward Wishnow, Martin Sirk, Philip Muirhead, Matthew Muterspaugh, James Lloyd, Yuzo Ishikawa, Eliza McDonald, Van Shourt, and Andrew Vanderburg, JATIS

“Deep GALEX UV Survey of the Kepler Field I: Point Source Catalog” , Manuel Olmedo Aguilar, James Lloyd, Eric Mamajek, Miguel Chávez, and Emanuele Bertone, ApJ, 813:100 (10/2015)

High Angular Resolution Stellar Imaging with Occultations from the Cassini Spacecraft II: Kronocyclic Tomography, Paul N. Stewart, Peter G. Tuthill, Philip D. Nicholson, Matthew M. Hedman, and James P. Lloyd,  MNRAS, 449, 1760-1766, (5/2015)

Characterizing the Cool KOIs. VI. H- and K-band Spectra of Kepler M Dwarf  Planet-candidate Hosts, Muirhead, P. S., J. Becker, G. A. Feiden, B. Rojas-Ayala, A. Vanderburg, E. M. Price, R. Thorp, N. M. Law, R. Riddle, C. Baranec, K. Hamren, E. Schlawin, K. R. Covey, J. A. Johnson, and J. P. Lloyd, ApJS, 213, 5-(7/2014)

“Near-infrared Metallicities, Radial Velocities, and Spectral Types for 447 Nearby M Dwarfs”, Newton, E. R., D. Charbonneau, J. Irwin, Z. K. Berta-Thompson, B. Rojas-Ayala, K. Covey, and J. P. Lloyd, AJ, 147, 20-(1/2014)

High-angular-resolution stellar imaging with occultations from the Cassini spacecraft - I. Observational technique, Stewart, P. N., P. G. Tuthill, M. M. Hedman, P. D. Nicholson, and J. P. Lloyd, MNRAS, 433, 2286-2293, (8/2013)

“The Mass Distribution of Subgiant Planet Hosts”, Lloyd, J. P., ApJL, 774:L2 (arXiv:1306.6627), September 2013

"Retired" Planet Hosts: Not So Massive, Maybe Just Portly After Lunch, Lloyd, J. P., ApJL, 739, L49, October 2011

“Precise Stellar Radial Velocities of an M Dwarf with a Michelson Interferometer and a Medium-Resolution Near-Infrared Spectrograph”, Muirhead, P. S., J. Edelstein, D. J. Erskine, J. T. Wright, M. W. Muterspaugh, K. R. Covey, E. H. Wishnow, K. Hamren, P. Andelson, D. Kimber, T. Mercer, S. P. Halverson, A. Vanderburg, D. Mondo, A. Czeszumska, and J. P. Lloyd, PASP, 123:709-724, June 2011

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